Tribute Brew - Steve Lawton’s “Merrywoodstock Kolsch”
As a tribute to founding SCUBA member and friend Steve Lawton, a bunch of us will make the beer for which he’s probably best remembered - Merrywoodstock Kolsch. This beer has been a staple seasonal at Kroghs Brewpub, which for several years donated proceeds from the beer to help Steve in his battle with cancer. All members are encouraged to brew this beer and pour a pint or two in remembrance of Steve. Thanks to Bob Smith for culturing up a bunch of yeast… if you need some, let us know and we’ll get you some. We’ll share our results and reminisce a bit at future virtual club meetings. Whether or not you choose to brew, please consider making a donation to a cancer charity such as St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in remembrance of our friend.
Merrywoodstock Kolsch
% Grain Potential SRM
74.4 Pilsener 1.038 2
5.1 CaraPils 1.034 2
10.3 Vienna 1.035 4
10.3 Wheat Malt 1.038 2
Hops (per 10 gallon batch)
2oz Mt. Hood 6.5 29.1 60
1oz Saazer 4.3 4.9 30
1oz Perle 8.25 4.9 15
Yeast: Kolsch – East Coast Yeast (possibly blended with White Labs)
OG: 1.055
SRM: 3.7
IBU 38.9
Mash: 150 F, 60 minutes
Boil: 60 min
Suggested Water Profile: Calcium 53, Sulfate 59, Chloride 51