Here’s what we’re up to lately. For general club info and other specific stuff, see the links above.
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For up to date info, follow SCUBA on Facebook and Instagram, join our mailing list, and follow NJ State Fair Homebrew Competition on Facebook
Congrats to Larry Bently for his Best of Show entry, Resinance APA, and to the Garden State Homebrewers for taking home their FIFTH consecutive NJ Homebrew Club of the Year award! Thanks for all your entries, judging, and support of all our sponsors!
Congrats to Michael Petrick and Katrina Edwards for taking the top prize with “Kenpai”, their rice and peppercorn beer, and to the Garden State Homebrewers for taking home their FOURTH consecutive NJ Homebrew Club of the Year award!
Congrats to Larry Bentley for taking the top prize with his Vienna Lager, and to the Garden State Homebrewers for taking home their third consecutive NJ Homebrew Club of the Year award!
Erik Shore took Best of Show at Motown Mash 2021 with his Biere de Garde, rising to the top of 27 gold medal entries on the final table. SCUBA members Mark Friesen and Bob Smith had Erik’s back, clinching the 2nd and 3rd places! Click article for link to full results.
Congratulations to Ryan Celia of the Lehigh Valley Homebrewers for taking Best of Show with his “Iowa” Cream Ale, and to the Garden State Homebrewers for holding on to the New Jersey Homebrew Club of the Year title for their second consecutive year. Click for full results.
Zymurgy, the magazine of the American Homebrewers Association, ran the article “Competition in the Time of COVID-19” that shares SCUBA’s experiences with running a large “virtual” beer competition during lockdown. Check out the January 2021 issue.
As a tribute to founding SCUBA member and friend Steve Lawton, a bunch of us will make the beer for which he’s probably best remembered - Merrywoodstock Kolsch. Click here for the recipe.
Congratulations to Christopher Laspada for winning Best of Show, and to Garden State Homebrewers for winning NJ Club of the Year 2020!
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